Stouchi Technology

iPad Pro Stand II

SKU: P7CS-0320-S001N

$32.90 $39.90

Stouchi iPad Pro 12.9スタンド、360°タブレットスイベルベーススタンドiPad用タブレットホルダースタンド、POSキオスク用調整可能デスクマウントホルダー、Surface Pro 4、2020 iPad Pro iPad Miniは4-14インチタブレットシルバーに適合

  • [[[共有用の回転台座]-iPadスタンドの回転台座により、画面を簡単に表示できます。会議、個人、家族、片手での方向制御による集まりの共有に柔軟に対応できます。バレンタインデーにぴったりのギフトです。あなたの愛する人のためにそれを選ぶことを躊躇しないでください!
  • 🎁[サイズ]-頑丈なタブレットスタンドの最大積載量は1.5ポンド/ 0.7 kgです。 iPadベースの直径:7.5インチ(19 cm)。アーム長:6.8”&1.9”(17.5cm&5cm)2つのサイズのゴム製パッド付きブラケットホルダーは、4” -14”ディスプレイタブレットに合わせて、
  • HI [非常に柔軟]-360度回転可能なベースとタブレットブラケットホルダーを折りたたみアームと組み合わせると、視野角を失うことなく、タイピングやショーケースを行うための比類のない調整が可能になります。レジ係と買い物客の間で1秒以内にディスプレイを回転させるか、ランドスケープ/ポートレートモードを即座に切り替えます。
  • 🎁【頑丈&安定】-頑丈な航空アルミニウム製のスタンド、安定した加重ベース、振動吸収シリコンクリップ、低重心設計と頑丈な構造により、より安定した視聴体験を提供します。
  • 🎁【互換クランプ】–両側にクランプがあるユニバーサルiPadホルダーは、強力な保持力保護を備えた4 "-14"ディスプレイタブレットPC(iPad Air / Mini / iPad Pro、Galaxy Tab、NexusまたはSmartphonesなど)に適合します。

If you are looking for high quality Mac and mobile phone accessories, then you have landed at the right place on the internet. Stouchi provides its customers with high quality mobile phone and Mac accessories that are reliable and should serve you good for a couple of years.
There are thousands of companies that sell mobile phone accessories all over the web but hardly a few of them provide quality devices. We design each of our product keeping in mind the need of customers and the high quality standards that we talk of. First many prototypes of a product are designed and made out of different materials. Each of these prototypes are thoroughly tested and the one that performs the best is chosen for mass production. We follow the international quality standards and our products are certified from related companies and organizations. Aesthetics and ergonomics are specifically taken care of while making a product. We source raw materials from and electronic components credible sources and make our products in state-of-the-art production center.
Our wide range of products keeps on getting wider by each passing day. Our list of products range from mobile chargers and USB cables to high quality long-lasting portable power banks that won’t harm your expensive smartphones in any way.
Buying from us is simple. You just have to place an order through our online store and we will ship your order as soon as the payment confirmation gets received. Our shipping partners will ship your order to you irrespective of where you live. Moreover, they take great care of the products, so that you get your order free from any damage.
Customer satisfaction is our first priority. If you are not satisfied with any of our product or you find it malfunctioning, contact us as soon as possible and we will serve you in every possible way to make you satisfied. If you have any question or opinion, we will be delighted to hear it.

Contact us:

Address: 7/F, Huari Auto Building, No.1006 Nigang West Road, Qingshuihe Street, Luohu District, Shenzhen, GD, China


  • Free Shipping - Available in US, UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, SE
  • Free Shipping Global- Orders over US$59.00 - ALL products available for Other countries or regions
  • We will make every effort to deliver your package ASAP. However, additional time may be required due to invalid addresses and custom clearance issues.
  • If there is any shipping issue with your package , you must contact Customer Support within 180 days after your order was placed.

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